Concrete mixer truck GRUSZKA concreteiara ZA3831
Concrete mixer truck GRUSZKA concreteiara ZA3831
6 000 Ft

Concrete mixer truck GRUSZKA concreteiara ZA3831

Szállítási idő: 3-5 munkanap!
6 000 Ft

Concrete mixer a construction car needed on every construction site. A great car for great fun for your child. Concrete mixer, the so-called The pear is a durable, rotating barrel vehicle. The barrel is turned with a handle. The whole thing is characterized by a very good design and light control. The product is made of high quality plastic. The car is characterized by a modern look, attention to detail and colors matching the vehicle. The set is perfect for playing at home, in the garden or in the sandbox and is perfect for children from 3 years of age. The biggest advantage of the toy is that it does not require batteries, you can play with it anytime and anywhere.

Vehicle attractions:
- a car powered by a Friction power mechanism, i.e. accelerated by moving the toy on a smooth surface
- after pressing the green button, the child will hear the engine starting and its work, as well as flashing lights on the roof of the vehicle
- the orange button is a horn
- blue barrel work
- white button - reversing signal
- the barrel is turned with a handle
- the toy is made entirely of plastic
- the car has rubber wheels

Dimensions approx.
- length 25.5 cm
- height 13 cm
- width 8.5 cm

The toy is entirely made of plastic in yellow, sound and light effects make the fun more attractive. The toy will provide a lot of fun for every child.
The Jokomisiada store offers a wide selection of construction vehicles for children. The car was packed in a cardboard box.

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