Captain Science Count well, beaver! mathematical educational game GR0673
Captain Science Count well, beaver! mathematical educational game GR0673
7 401 Ft

Captain Science Count well, beaver! mathematical educational game GR0673

Szállítási idő: 3-5 munkanap!
7 401 Ft
Educational math game "Count well, beaver!" is a proposition for preschoolers who join inventive beavers, building a dam and at the same time practicing counting in the range of 1-20 and logical thinking skills.

Game content:
- 4 boards for building a dam
- 74 double-sided wood beams
- 24 beaver tokens
- a board with a drawing clue

Thanks to two game modes (counting to 10 or 20), the game can be adjusted to the age and skills of the players.

How to play?
First, the player must spin the dial, which will select a beam of wood. Then his task is to think how to arrange it so that the dam is created as quickly as possible. Thanks to special tokens, they can decide what length of beam they need. The first person to build three levels of the dam wins.

The game "Count well, beaver!" is based on the STEM method (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths), using a new approach to learning that develops the ability to think logically, solve problems and communicate effectively. Players develop new skills by using their natural abilities, such as ingenuity, willingness to experiment and curiosity about the world. At the same time, they will improve their competences for the future, including: concentration, perseverance and patience in searching for solutions.

The Jokomisiada store offers a wide selection of board, educational and arcade games, be sure to check them out.

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