Art set for painting in a suitcase 145ele AP0005
Art set for painting in a suitcase 145ele AP0005
15 300 Ft

Art set for painting in a suitcase 145ele AP0005

1 hónap
15 300 Ft
A set of art supplies in a handy suitcase will certainly be useful to every little artist. A diverse set consisting of as many as 145 elements will allow you to perform works using various art techniques - from sketching to painting with paints. All kinds of art works develop the child's imagination and creativity, as well as improve manual dexterity and fine motor skills. Drawing, painting allows the child to express himself, his dreams and emotions. A self-made work will be a source of pride, a great gift for mom or dad, a unique room decoration and a nice souvenir of childhood.

Set contains:
- folding suitcase,
- 24 paints,
- 2 palettes for paints,
- 2 rubber bands,
- sharpener,
- 4 brushes with different tips,
- 2 pencils,
- 28 pencil crayons,
- 33 pens,
- 24 oil pastels,
- 24 tubes with watercolor pastes.

The dimensions of the trunk (folded) are approx. 34 cm x 23 cm x 8.5 cm.

After the fun, all the utensils can be hidden in the suitcase, thanks to which the elements will not get lost and order in the children's room will be maintained :)
The suitcase can be taken outdoors to paint nature or to visit grandma.

The Jokomisiada store offers a wide selection of art and creative toys, check it out!

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